Complete Course With Platinum Package

The Platinum Package includes AmeriBar's Complete Course (see Complete Course information for complete contents), an iPod upgrade with a waived deposit fee (the iPod must still be returned or a deposit will be charged), and seven intensive one-hour tutoring sessions. 

AmeriBar's Tutoring Program has successfully assisted repeat and first-time takers pass the bar exam for almost a decade.  Our successful alumni include students who had previously failed the bar exam as many as eight times taking other review courses. 

The student will be assigned a tutor and a set time for tutoring sessions.  Our tutors are law school professors or distinguished attorneys with extensive legal writing experience.  They have been rigorously trained in every facet of bar exam preparation.  In many cases, our tutors have personally assisted hundreds of students in preparing for the bar examination. 

For each session except the first, the student must complete either an essay or MBE assignment.  During the telephone tutoring session, the tutor will provide in-depth analysis of the student's assignment.  This course is ideal for repeat takers or those who desire a greater degree of interactivity.  As a general matter, sessions will be scheduled weekly (one session per week). 

After just one session, you will be able to tell the difference between AmeriBar's course and traditional seminar-based courses - personalized attention.  Our students often ask us why so many first-time takers take the same traditional seminar-based course with the same sub-par results.  In fact, scroll down to view comments from our previous students.   The identity of students has been withheld (as will yours when you send us your comments) because all are repeat takers.

"Just wanted to let you know that I passed the exam!!  Thanks again so much for your help.  I think that having a tutor is truly what made the difference." 

"I have to let you know that I finally (after failing 3 times previously) passed the horrible Bar Exam. I contribute the success to you and AmeriBar, through God's provision, that I passed.  My  family and I offer thanks from the absolute depths of our hearts for your competent and encouraging instruction.  You absolutely DO NOT know how we feel at this time.  I woke up at 3:30am this morning (found out yesterday afternoon) and had to get up because I couldn't believe I was actually waking up knowing that I did NOT have to face another 2-3 months of blood-letting study.  The absolute best money I have spent in my entire lifetime!!!!!!!"

"You were an excellent tutor."

"I passed it. I passed it.  I passed it....finally...  Thank you for you assistance in helping me pass the bar."

"I just wanted to let you know that I PASSED!!!!  Thanks again for all of your help."

"I feel really good about the exam.  I strictly followed your advice and I think things went very well."

"I want to let you know your writing techniques really helped me to stay focused and organized. This exam was 100% better than the others.  I feel so comfortable about this exam that I am gearing up to take Georgia's in February."

"[The tutor] could not have been more helpful. He really helped me with my confidence level as well as the MPT. I really appreciated having him there to answer any of my questions or concerns. Overall he was a great tutor."

"I am writing to let you know that I passed the Bar Exam!  Thanks for all your help."

"Just wanted you to know that I got my letter yesterday saying I passed the bar exam. So thank you so much for all your help, I could not have done it without you."

"I received my results yesterday and I passed. . . .  I just wanted to say thank you for your help!!"

"Just to let you know .... i passed the bar ..... thank you .... thank you."

"Results are in:  Passed!   Thanks for all your time and advice."

"I got it! I passed! And I have you to thank for it! I really appreciate everything you did for me. I really felt, this last January down in the dumps and burnt out but you really gave me a great peptalk about keeping my head up. I will always remember all of not only the time you spent with me making those essays as good as they can be, but always being so encouraging even when I was ready to throw in the towel. I'll never forget your kindness, understanding, being tough on me when i needed a tough talk! Thanks so much!"

"After two attempts . . ., I PASSED the California Bar Exam!  As we discussed in our phone conversations, it was not a matter of improving my legal knowledge, but improving the way in which I articulated the law.  Your critical review and the techniques of AmeriBar assisted in both developing my legal analysis and providing a mechanism for organizing and focusing my thought process.  Thank you again."

"I PASSED!!!!!!!  Thanks for everything!"

"I enrolled in an Ameribar essay writing course in the summer of 2007 in preparation for the July, 2007 Nevada bar exam.  I did so because I believed that the essay writing preparation given by a well-known bar review prep course in which I was already enrolled was deficient.  I had taken the bar exam in another state in 1997 after taking a prep course with the aforementioned well known bar review company.  On my first go-round in 1997, I passed the multistate but did not pass the essay portion.  I hired a private tutor at that time and was able to pass the essay portion and become admitted in that state in 1998, where I practiced for the next 9 years.   I moved to Nevada in 2007 and heard that the Nevada bar exam was one of the toughest in the country.  I again enrolled in the same major bar review prep course in preparation for the July, 2007 Nevada bar exam, but knew that I would need tutoring for the essays based on my knowledge of that bar review course's essay prep deficiencies and my previous history.  I found Ameribar on the internet and after speaking with their representatives was impressed with the services offered.  My personal Ameribar tutor . . . was both tough and comforting.  She worked with me to identify my weakest areas and designed a tutoring plan to focus on those areas, while providing for a slightly less intense review of the other subjects.  The plan included identification of various types of questions and strategies to answer each type.  Each week, I would write essays taken from actual Nevada bar exams and [my tutor] and I would review my essays and use them as an opportunity to track my progress and concentrate on areas that needed bolstering.  As the weeks progressed, I became less intimidated by the essay questions as the strategies that I had practiced . . . became automatic.  I am happy to report that using the tools learned in the Ameribar essay writing sessions . . . , I was able to write the essays on the July, 2007 Nevada bar exam with confidence.  I passed the Nevada bar exam on the first try and was admitted in Nevada in November, 2007.  I am now employed with a prominent law firm in Las Vegas.  Needless to say, I am very happy with my decision to enroll in the essay writing course with Ameribar.  I think it made all the difference." 

 "I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I passed the Bar Exam.  I could not have done it without your help.  We do not know how we scored for different portions of the exam, but I am confident that the help you gave me with my essays truly made the difference.  Thank you again so very much.  It was great working with you and should the situation arise, I will recommend your services without hesitation."

"I just wanted to share the great news that I passed the mbe and now can be admitted to the bar- thanks again for all your help!!! You guys are awesome at ameribar keep up the great work and thanks again"

"[M]y tutor . . . [was] a big part of the reason I passed. She kept me focused and on task. I worked extra hard to impress her and that in return was a huge study benefit for me.